Wedding Anniversary

How to Celebrate Your First Wedding Anniversary


For most people, marrying their partners is among the greatest events that happen in life. A wedding day must be filled with food, family, friends, and, more importantly, love. It often marks the start of a new beginning and joins the lives of two people into one. In other words, a wedding day is worth commemorating and remembering with every passing year.

When your first wedding anniversary comes, you could be looking at your inaugural year of the matrimonial with gratitude and joy, eager to celebrate one year with your partner. And although you may mark the event by going out on a special date or with a nice dinner, your first anniversary also comes with ways to celebrate this special occasion.

So why shouldn’t you embrace gestures which hold a deep meaning? If you want to show love through some time-honored rituals, the following are great ideas and ways to celebrate your anniversary together:

1. Consider Time Travel

It will be a great idea to take a walk down memory lane. From courting or dating days to the wedding day, you have already had a commemorating journey together.

A reminiscing old memory, whether it is reading love notes/letters that you had written to one another or revisiting every place that holds value, will help you realize the way the two of you have grown through those years.

To make this even great, you must plan a date or book a room in the hotel you tied the knot to. Alternatively, you can have dinner at a restaurant where the two of you had a first date. This will be a perfect way to treasure precious memories and spend your first anniversary romantically.

2. Exchange Gifts and Cards

Cards and gifts, like a luxury watch, photo collard, or a beautiful dress, are all part of making an occasion special, including your wedding anniversary. As early as now, brainstorm gift ideas and look at the anniversary card options.

It will also be a great idea to discuss your expectations as partners to ascertain there are no disappointments. But as a couple, remember to set a gift spending limit as well as other parameters to make sure equal efforts are made.

3. Have a Second Honeymoon

Time really flies, especially when having some fun. However, if the relaxation, bliss, and rest of your honeymoon feel oh-so far away, consider booking a trip to a new town.

It doesn’t need to be as grandiose like your honeymoon. It just needs to be about spending together, far away from home. This will make memories as you go for another year of marriage.

4. Revisit the Day of Your Wedding

Take your partner to a restaurant, venue, or church where you exchanged rings and said your vows. Hold your partner’s hands, express your love for one another, and then rewind those good moments you had during the wedding.

Spend quality time together, with no one stopping you from having that anniversary kiss or disturbing your intimate conversations.

5. Go for a Wine Tasting Tour

Going for a wine-tasting tour is a great way for every wine-loving couple to celebrate their anniversary. Most vineyards provide a guided tour where you may learn about the process of making wine, sample different wines, and explore various vineyards. It is also a great experience offering sophistication and fun, and you may even discover new wines you can include in your list of your favorites.

6. Try out Something New

Perhaps it is a sexy salsa dancer, which blew your mind or a Vietnamese recipe that made your mouth water. Whichever the case, your first wedding anniversary is a perfect time to try that new thing you’ve always desired – and this time with your partner.

Go ahead and prepare dinner or even take that dance classes together. Make your day memorable by remembering it as: “Do you recall that day we learned to do this together”?

7. Book a Photoshoot

You certainly have thousands of pictures of you, your kids, and your partner, but for a long time, you haven’t had professional shots taken after the big day.

So investing in a photoshoot is a perfect way to capture those moments on your anniversary as well as keep track of all the changes taking place year as you see everyone in the family grow.

8. Use Décor

As far as decoration is concerned, every rule can be thrown out of the window during your occasion. You may choose to have an occasion as casual or formal as you and your significant other see fit. This also goes for your anniversary celebration’s theme, décor, and style.

Some partners may opt to incorporate some components from their wedding in this anniversary event. If you are like them, you may bring in key elements, such as subtle nods, motifs, or colors from the venue you exchanged your rings.

Alternatively, you can display pictures from the original celebration so that your family and friends may see what your event looked like. You can think of showing a slideshow or displaying pictures on a special table so that your guests can get a glimpse into the special day.

9. Take Dinner among Stars

You may dine and wine with your partner among the stars. Just hire one or two hot air balloons and mark the event with romance and extreme exclusivity. These hot air balloon services are readily available in event planning companies.

But whatever you decide to do, don’t allow financial issues to get in your way of celebrating your anniversary. So if you can’t afford these services, you can use normal balloons.

10. Watch Videos of Your Wedding

One year is gone, and the details and happenings may not be clear anymore. Fortunately, you may revisit that precious moment by watching your wedding videos. This way, you will be glad that you made the right decision to hire a videographer.

The Take a way

The first day of your anniversary is a special one as a couple. Time flies, and you suddenly notice that one year has already gone by since you started this blissful journey together. And now, like many couples, you are looking for ways to make your first anniversary memorable and special. Remember, your anniversary doesn’t have to be complicated. With these ideas, you can easily make your first wedding anniversary great.

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