Anti-aging care

Anti-aging care: when should you start?


The passage of time leaves marks at the corner of the eyes, a lion’s wrinkle on the forehead, and sometimes furrows in the neck… To fight against skin aging, there are anti-aging treatments that nourish, moisturize and plump the epidermis. But is there an age to start?

With age, our skin loses its elasticity and tone . Cells renew themselves less quickly and the epidermis produces less collagen. After 30 years, the skin tends to dry out. After 40, brown spots can also appear on the face… So, to keep a fresh and luminous complexion, when do you start?

We first favor a healthy lifestyle to put the odds on our side: we eat a balanced diet , we have a good night’s sleep , we avoid excessive alcohol and tobacco , and we protect ourselves from the sun’s rays.  And to boost our youth capital, we do not hesitate to apply anti-aging care regularly. In the form of cream, gel or serum, they allow the skin to regain its suppleness and elasticity. Some anti-aging treatments with hyaluronic acid are effective in slowing the appearance of wrinkles and furrows .

At what age should you start applying anti-aging?

There is also no predefined age to start using anti-aging care: however, it is recommended to start around 30 years old . Indeed, at the beginning of the thirties, the cells regenerate less quickly . But you can absolutely start using anti-aging care from the age of 25 or after 35. However, we make it a point of honor to choose products adapted to her skin: a young woman of 26 years old will not use the same cream as a woman of 50 years old.

How to choose your anti-aging care?

To find the ideal anti-aging, you must first study your skin. If you are prone to skin problems: imperfections, irritations or acne, it is first essential to treat these problems before starting an anti-aging treatment. You can also turn to antioxidant treatments designed for young skin. These will prevent the arrival of the first wrinkles.

After 30 years, our body and our skin change. To find a fresh complexion, you must moisturize your skin daily: it is possible to alternate a day cream with an anti-aging serum to plump the epidermis. From the age of 40, anti-aging can be used daily , even morning and evening. When brands are more present, we turn to very moisturizing products, with effective molecules and active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, and antioxidant polyphenols.

How to apply your anti-aging care?

Anti-aging treatments slow down the aging of the skin while stimulating collagen and elastin . They fight against the appearance of wrinkles and spots. But for them to be really effective, you still need to have the right gestures! First of all, you start by applying your eye contour with your index finger, smoothing the epidermis from the inside to the outside of the eyelid. One can also make circular movements in order to activate the blood circulation. To apply your anti-aging cream on the face, you always go from the center outwards. Then, we tap and lightly pinch his skin in order to firm the tissues. And we don’t forget her neck or her cleavage !

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